This list is limited to grants available to individual artists impacted by COVID-19 and living in Ohio.
This list does not include grants unrelated to COVID-19 relief or grants for arts organizations.
SPACES: The Satellite Fund [COVID-19 Emergency Relief]**
**$1000 each in emergency grants to artists is Cuyahoga County.
The National Association of Latino Arts & Cultures (NALAC)**
**$500 COVID19 Emergency Relief Grants for Latinx artists and arts administrators. Undocumented artists are welcome to apply.
Artist Relief**
**$5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID19.
Artist Relief Project**
**$200 Emergency stipends + long-term programs and resources.
Museum of Contemporary Art Puerto Rico Relief Fund**
**$250 to Puerto Rican artist regardless of where you reside or a foreigner who has lived in Puerto Rico for 5 years or more.
Artist + Activist Relief Fund**
**$250-$750 grants for artists and activists
CERF+ The Artists Safety Net**
**For artists who have contracted COVID19.
Rauschenberg Emergency Grants**
**Up to $5000 for unexpected medical emergencies
Anonymous Was a Woman Emergency Relief Grants**
**Up to $2500 to women-identifying artists over 40 impacted by COVID19.
Artist Relief Tree**
**$250 to any artist that applies. There is currently a waitlist.
Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund**
**$200 to artists or arts administrators who self-identify as BIPOC black, indigenous, people of color.
Behind the Scenes Grant**
**For anyone who has been hospitalized due to COVID19 and works behind the scenes in entertainment technology, such as at a performance venue, behind a camera, or on the road.
The Creator Fund**
**Up to $500 financial assistance to creators suffering from financial hardship to to COVID-19.
Freelancers Union Freelancers Relief Fund**
**Up to $1000 per household to cover lost income and essential expenses.
Greater Columbus Arts Council COVID-19 Relief Fund**
**Up to $1000 to off-set losses due to COVID-19 for artists in Franklin County.
I Lost My Theatre Gigs**
**Theatre artists that have lost gigs can share stories and receive donations
Sweet Relief Musicians Fund**
**Funds for musicians impacted by COVID-19
PEN America Writer’s Emergency Fund**
**$500-$1000 to professional writers to meet acute financial needs
FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund**
**$1,500 grants to artists who have had events cancelled because of the pandemic